Tuesday 24 July 2007

Temperature app

I've completed a first version of a tinyos 2 app that logs temperature readings to the flash for future retrieval. Because I'm logging to the flash instead of the UART I can therefore stick in 2 batteries into my mote and take it with me. Then when I get back home, I simply plug in the USB and press the user button to write all the stuff on the flash to the UART so that I can view the data.
I'm only taking temperature readings for now but what might be interesting would be to take humidity and light readings also and then see if there exists a correlation between those 3 values.
I'll try to implement that when I have the time.
For now here's my first version of the app temperature.tar.gz

Monday 25 June 2007

The story continues…

My final year project involved programming for the Tmote Sky from moteiv. This was a very hard project because I had to work remotely on wireless sensor which was still very much in development and also shared by the all the phd students working on wireless sensor networks. That and my small brain.

Anyway considering I have spent a whole year on this it would be wise not to leave these skills and knowledge to waste. Using the Tmote Sky with a broken radio I have been left with I can at least use it as a portable humidity and light sensor. If I am to carry this thing around with me, measurements will have to be written to the onboard flash and then collected on the pc. Writing to the flash is not something I’ve done before but I am confident it will be easier with TinyOS 2 than with TinyOS 1. I also need a pc side application capable of communicating with my TinyOS application so I can read off the data from the flash.